bill osment

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Village Records

My friends Bill & Corky have become bloggers to promote their online music store. If your taste runs along the Americana side of things, then by all means give them a visit and sign up for the blog too.

They are fast and reliable and do business worldwide. Give them a chance instead of throwing your money at Amazon or Best Buy, et al.

Tell them BGO sent you.


Is it any surprise that sales of Spam are skyrocketing? For more information you can click here.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Clinton & Obama

Both Joan Walsh and Gene Lyons have fine pieces published today about the continuing race for the nomination between the two remaining candidates.

I posted the Gene Lyons at Democratic Underground and it is getting quite the response. Different strokes for different folks.

I really like what Ms. Walsh had to say about this historical moment in our political history. She is smart and her head is screwed on right. She can call most of these idjit pundits for that they are: Crooks & Liars.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Ciwan Haco

When it comes to music I either like it or just stay indifferent to something.

Ciwan Haco is a Kurd who is immensely popular in the Kurdish diaspora. Here in a live setting he mixes a Bo Diddley feel with traditional Kurdish lyrics and music. I think you might enjoy Siba.

US Senator Edward M. Kennedy

By now it is no secret just how serious the Senator's health is. The Boston Globe reports.

I have always appreciated Ted's service to our country. Like us all he is human and has made some really stupid mistakes during his long career.

m&s wishes a full recovery for what seems a dire situation.

According to Crooks & Liars Senator Kennedy’s staff has set up a space on the Senator’s website where you may wish him well.

New posts forthcoming

Hang in there with me.